Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Having a blog

Sometimes having a blog makes me feel like I have to post even when there is little to post about. So here goes.

I have painted a few miniatures over the last couple of weeks, but none of them are good enough that I would want to put their pictures up here. I have bought quite a few reaper miniatures and am very happy with them, although none are even primed yet. I also bought an Ariadna starter box for Infinity. I'm not sure I will play Infinity, I just wanted some good looking science fiction soldiers and they fit the bill.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Reasons to fail the May painting challenge

I hardly ever go in for the painting challenges on any of the many forums that do them, but last week I decided to do one on www.rpg.net

The reason I don't do painting challenges is that I don't finish what I put in my vow. However it's not that I lack inspiration to paint, it's just that I paint things other than what I said I would. So here are some of the guys who this weekend have derailed my vow to paint High Exemplar Gravus and the Covenant of Menoth, amoungst other things.

This dwarf is made by Rackham (for the game Confrontation which apparently has died again) and is a really great sculpt. You can imagine what he is about to do.

Rackham Dwarf 3

I just realised I forgot to finish the edge of his shield, but I think I will leave it alone.

Rackham Dwarf 4

This next guy is a Cleric made by Reaper. He seems like a fairly standard D&D cleric and I almost let that stop me from buying him. I'm glad I didn't

Reaper Cleric 1

Reaper Cleric 2

Reaper Cleric 3

I have finally started to paint eyes. i told my wife that and she asked,
"What did you used to do?"
"I just left them blank," I said.

I am pretty happy with how they turned out. I followed Dr Faust's painting clinic, which an excellent resource on many things painting.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Knight of the Prophet

I bought this guy because I wanted to use his head on a Bane Knight conversion, but when I opened the Blister I decided I liked him. I wanted a scheme that took me away from my other minis and this is what I cam up with:

Knight of the Prophet

I was surfing the web looking for pictures of this guy once I had his base colours painted, because I wanted to see if other people were painting the hands as gloves or gauntlets. I found the official picture of him and to my surprise it was almost the exact same scheme as mine.

Knight of the Prophet2

I am fairly happy with the way he came out, although I am not happy with the eyes, but I hardly ever both with eyes, so it's no surprise I am crap at them.

Knight of the Prophet4

And one more picture because I am happy with the photography. I am finally get the hand of taking these pics.

Knight of the Prophet3