Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Total defeat

Martin and I played another small game of Flames of War to complete our rules familiarity process. It was a success in that we are now comfortable with the rules after three small games, but from my point of view (as a player) there was only failure. In exactly 20 years of wargaming, I have never come out of a game not having inflicted a single casualty on the enemy; until tonight.

To be fair to myself, the scenario made it tough for me, as I was the attacker and I really didn't have a mobile enough force. Had I been the defender, I probably would have done a lot better.

So here is the only game play shot I am going to post. It shows my Grenadiers moving toward the British line in front of the houses. I needed to get past the houses to take the fuel and/or ammunition dump that lay just to the North.


I failed miserably.

After the game, we set up the terrain again so that we could show off our newly painted miniatures. Here is a shot from each side:

Martin's commandos

My Grenadiers

Having suffered the worst defeat ever, I came away wanting to play again even more. I really enjoyed the game and playing against Martin means that losing is not a problem; there are players out there that I really don't enjoy losing to.

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