Saturday, 1 November 2008

My Tournament Army

I have finally finished painting my 500 point Trollblood army for the Subcultures tournament in Utrecht tomorrow.


I am mostly happy with them, although I could be happier with the Fell Caller (Front Left) and the Pyg Keg Carrier (Front Right). I just didn't spend enough time on them. Also, I didn't paint the Earthborn Dire Troll (Back Right), I inherited it in a job lot that I paid almost (about 25% store price) nothing for.

Eventually I will get the camera settings correct so that stuff isn't so shiny. Maybe I should spray the big yellow guy with matt varnish.


Ray Guimond said...

I have a blog, Dirty-Dirty Hordes and I'm just starting my Trollbloods. I love the look of your army and I really like how your armies seem so beast-heavy. Hope you don't mind but I went ahead and linked to your blog from my own. Hope to see more Trolls!


Skirza said...

I don't mind at all. Glad you like em.