Sunday, 1 November 2009

Moving to a new site

I am going to move this site to one of my own. The problem is that the government of the country I live in does not like Blogspot and so it is usually blocked. Sometimes I can get through, but not reliably enough to warrant staying here. I will try and make another post to mention my new site when I get it running and can get through again.

Monday, 27 July 2009

Xerxis and Reznik both die

Martin and I managed to get in one last game before my miniatures are packed away where I can't sneak them out again. We put 750 point armies on the table and decided to fight with no real objectives other than to smash each other.

Here they come

I was handling the early game quite well. I tied up his left flank with three Vengers, while the real fight took place in the center.
Battle joined

My Strategy hinged around the Guardian which was a mistake. I forgot why the Guardian had been gathering dust for a year and a half, but I was quickly reminded; it's a piece of junk. It might be worthwhile in Mk2, but while 3 damaged systems can take out a jack, a heavy jack with an Arc node is just not worth fielding. Martin's heavy Infantry didn't quite fill in half the boxes on the Guardian's damage template, but because three systems were disabled, the jack was disabled.

Turn two

Mid game I was losing and trying to consolidate. Vilmon, The Seneschal and my Paladin were dead, as was the Guardian and the Vengers were looking shaky. it was then that martin made his mistake. He left Xerxis exposed. Reznik branded him a heretic and the Redeemer fired missiles and killed him. Martin's beasts went wild and suddenly the advantage was mine.

I also made a mistake and left a charge lane open to the Ancestral guardian, who swooped in with Five soul tokens and cut Reznik to ribbons.

The fight now came down to Martin's Immortals against my Choir, Zealots and Avatar. The Avatar slowly chopped through the Immortals, who proved (true to their namesake) very hard to kill. Finally my Zealots got there and rained fire bombs down on the Immortals. End of Battle.

My strategy was not sound. I consolidated from the mid game setbacks well, but my victroy hinged on Martin leaving his boss in an unprotected position.

Monday, 20 July 2009

Possibly my last game for a few months

I defeated Martin yesterday, but it was a very narrow win. We were savagely contesting the objective ( a farm house) and I managed to batter my way to his warlock. When I got off the killing blow he had only two venators left and I had a damaged Catigator and Kreoss still there.

I didn't get to play Tom as we had a fourth (Jack) who played against him.

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Get out of the way Vilmon

Tomorrow I play my last game of Warmachine for quite a while. Tuesday the miniatures and modeling gear get packed away for the big move and won't be available to me until October... bummer. So 500 pts Mk 1 vs Tom's Cygnar and Martin's Skorne. Do I think I have made the most competitive army? No. Am I happy with my choices? Very.

I love the fluff that goes with Menoth and in my fevered imagination I see a kind of rivalry between the Knights Exemplar and the Paladins of the Order of the Wall. So tomorrow's force is based around knights (only 2 models are not Knights) on the march to war with Vilmon tagging along to see what all the fuss is about.

Here is a crappy snap of the models I am using. Unfortunately the Vengers are nowhere near finished, but they are ok (except the bases) for the table.


Wednesday, 17 June 2009

4 corner hardcore match

Martin, Tom and I were set to play a small round robin tournament on Monday night with each of us playing both the others. However we got a fourth player (Dylan) and decided to play hardcore rules with all four of us on the same table at the corners. We put a castle ruin in the middle of the board as a way to earn victory points and went at it.


Tom headed for me, as did Dylan and i was lucky enough to charge Tom's Hunter with my Vengers and kill it. That made him cautious and he slowed down his advance. I withdrew from the fight happily, knowing that there was no forest between me and the cryx and a fight was inevitable.

My Menoth

The game now became Menoth vs. Cryx at one end and Menoth vs. Cygnar at the other.


Smoke Menoth

I got the better of Dylan and managed to cast Brand of Heresy on Terminus and then charged my Castigator into him. It still took three hits, but I eventually eliminated the Lich Lord.

At the other end of the field Tom and Martin slugged it out and while they both did huge damage to each other, Martin's Avatar got the edge over Ol' Rowdy. When the turns were up, we counted up our victory points from each turn with a model within 3 inches of the ruin and then subtracted our lost VPs from it, giving us our final score.

Dylan was on -13, Tom on -9, martin on -5 and I had a grand total of 1. Yay me. Next time I probably would not want to do victory points that way.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Speed painting

We had a great game last night. Four players, hold the objective, hardcore. Toward the end when I was in the clear I started painting a miniature to demonstrate dry brushing to Dylan who was our Cryx player. I was originally just going to do the shoulders to demonstrate how it looks with steel and bronze, but Tom and Martin were using up their full seven minutes every turn, so I used four of those turns to completely speed paint the miniature. I am very happy with what is a 28 minute paint job. If I had access to it again I would clean it up a bit, but as is it is (IMHO) fine for the table.

Here is the photo. It is the Cryx Jack in the middle.

Speed Painted

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Vallejo paint issues

The first problem is that within a few months the name of the paint has rubbed off, so when referring to old painting notes I sometimes got stuck remembering which is which. I have remedied this by writing the name on the side of the bottle in marker.

The second and far more annoying problem is when the paint nib comes off inside the lid when you are opening it. In the picture the nib is off, but next to the lid.


Normally I notice when this happens, but a few times i have missed it and instead of squirting out a little blob of paint, I pour out a river. My latest misfortune was with my Dark Fleshtone. I poured out about a quarter of the bottle. What a waste.


I'm sure if i used other paints I would be able to compare problems. I remember how crap citadel paint used to be because of the lids gumming up. However at this point I only use Vallejo paint and overall I like it.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Playing Mk1 Warmachine

So to play against Hordes on Monday night I have to play Mk1 rules again. It has been a while since I have played the old rules and I wonder how much of Mk2 will bleed over accidentally. I am going to try and get Gravus painted by Monday so I can use him. He seems pretty cool and it would be nice to have used him Mk1 at least one time.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Having a blog

Sometimes having a blog makes me feel like I have to post even when there is little to post about. So here goes.

I have painted a few miniatures over the last couple of weeks, but none of them are good enough that I would want to put their pictures up here. I have bought quite a few reaper miniatures and am very happy with them, although none are even primed yet. I also bought an Ariadna starter box for Infinity. I'm not sure I will play Infinity, I just wanted some good looking science fiction soldiers and they fit the bill.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Reasons to fail the May painting challenge

I hardly ever go in for the painting challenges on any of the many forums that do them, but last week I decided to do one on

The reason I don't do painting challenges is that I don't finish what I put in my vow. However it's not that I lack inspiration to paint, it's just that I paint things other than what I said I would. So here are some of the guys who this weekend have derailed my vow to paint High Exemplar Gravus and the Covenant of Menoth, amoungst other things.

This dwarf is made by Rackham (for the game Confrontation which apparently has died again) and is a really great sculpt. You can imagine what he is about to do.

Rackham Dwarf 3

I just realised I forgot to finish the edge of his shield, but I think I will leave it alone.

Rackham Dwarf 4

This next guy is a Cleric made by Reaper. He seems like a fairly standard D&D cleric and I almost let that stop me from buying him. I'm glad I didn't

Reaper Cleric 1

Reaper Cleric 2

Reaper Cleric 3

I have finally started to paint eyes. i told my wife that and she asked,
"What did you used to do?"
"I just left them blank," I said.

I am pretty happy with how they turned out. I followed Dr Faust's painting clinic, which an excellent resource on many things painting.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Knight of the Prophet

I bought this guy because I wanted to use his head on a Bane Knight conversion, but when I opened the Blister I decided I liked him. I wanted a scheme that took me away from my other minis and this is what I cam up with:

Knight of the Prophet

I was surfing the web looking for pictures of this guy once I had his base colours painted, because I wanted to see if other people were painting the hands as gloves or gauntlets. I found the official picture of him and to my surprise it was almost the exact same scheme as mine.

Knight of the Prophet2

I am fairly happy with the way he came out, although I am not happy with the eyes, but I hardly ever both with eyes, so it's no surprise I am crap at them.

Knight of the Prophet4

And one more picture because I am happy with the photography. I am finally get the hand of taking these pics.

Knight of the Prophet3

Saturday, 25 April 2009

A break from Menoth and Trolls

I managed to get a bit of modeling done today.


Thursday, 23 April 2009

Work is a time sink

I bought a few miniatures today, but I have had no time to do anything related to them for almost a week now. On the weekend I want to assemble the Covenant and convert my Bane Knight. We'll see how that pans out, seeing as how my wife is due to give birth any time now.

Saturday, 18 April 2009

A good opponent makes for a good game

I played at one of the local game stores yesterday that I have never played any games at before and I have lived here for four years. I have been meaning to go along to Warmachine Friday for at least 18 months, but many things have gotten in the way.

I played a guy who used Epic Haley with a pretty balanced force. Ironclad, Thorn, Hunter, Lancer, Sword Knights and Stormguard; he also had some buff solos. I had a Castigator, a Guardian and a devout, aklong with TFG and attachment, Choir, Knights Exemplar, a Seneschal and Vilmon.

It was a good game that came right down to the wire in the end. In turn 4 he had a go at assassinating Severius, but I got lucky (The defensive strike of the Devout also helped) and he came out almost unscathed. I advanced the Guardian out of combat (took almost no damage from the free strikes) and killed the Stormguard that was screening Haley. I then Immolated her twice with boosted damage for a measly total of 10 damage. I was a bit miffed about my crap damage rolls; one good boosted roll could have outright killed her and two on average rolls definitely should have killed her. Luckily though my second Immolation had set her on fire and with an average roll I could kill her with the flames at the start of the next round.

It was the only really tense moment for me because the game was in the balance. If the flames went out then Severius would die from the Hunter and the Lancer, if they kept burning there was a good chance I could kill her. As Menoth would have it the flames kept burning and the damage killed her and i won the game.

The thing that made the game good though was my opponent. He played well, but he was fair and in no way overly competitive. There was hardly any stress despite the balls to the wall aspect of rounds three and four and it was fun. My other regular opponents are also good like this (I don't want to say that this is new for me) as well, but I never know what to expect when I play a stranger in a shop. the fact that he was well mannered and comported himself very honourably during the game allowed me to relax and exorcise the competitive jerk from my own self.

Friday, 17 April 2009

Severius vs. Epic Asphyxious

I played against Mike's Cryx again last night and was defeated. After my initial shock at how powerful Bile Thralls, Bane Knights and Death Knell are, I decided to post a Battle report.

Round 1
We both moved forward toward each other. I formed up properly around the Temple Flame Guard (TFG) and Mike seemed to be a bit muddled up as he dashed forward in a mob. We both put down buffs and that was about it.

Round 2
Cryx turn:

-The Satyxis raiders charged my Jack wall on the left side of the field. They hit and damaged the castigator and the Revenger, taking out the castigator's left arm; each time they damaged, they also did a point of feedback to Severius.

-Asphxyious cast death knell through his arc node and killed 7 of the TFG and the standard bearer and the officer. They were in shield wall and had protection of menoth, but it seemed to not matter at all. Makes me wonder if there is a use for stuff with shield wall now as there are so many ways around it.

-The Bane Knights moved up nearer the Raiders, while on the right flank the Mechanithralls moved up to totally get in the way and tie up my Seneschal and Dervish. The rest of his army advance a little and that was it.

Menoth turn:

-Upkept Vision on Severious and Eye of Menoth overall.

-I moved Severius up behind the devout and cast Ahes to Ashes, killing 4 Bane Knights.

-The Reclaimer handed two focus to the castigator, who then moved forward a used combustion to kill 6 of the Satyxis Raiders.

-The Revenger stabbed the last raider that opened a trample lane toward the Satyxis Sea Witch, which the Avatar then used very well.

-The Avatar squashed the remaining witches as he ran over the top of them toward the Sea Witch who also died. He had focus left so he made a sword attack and killed a Bane knight that happened to be there and then Activated Menoth's Gaze.

-The Seneschal ran around the edge of the Mechanithralls (surviving the free strikes) and killed the Necrosurgeon.

-The Knights Exemplar move forward to form an extra screen around Severius in case the Devout isn't enough.

Round 3
Cryx turn:

-Asphyxious used his feat and brought back to 'life' all the Bane Knights I had killed and a bunch of Raiders as well.

-The bile Thralls move forward and one of them purges, killing a couple of Mechanithralls and all of my Knights Exemplar. The rest of the bile thralls shot at Severius and the Devout. One of them did more damage to Severius. At the time I thought this was ridiculously overpowered, but that was mainly because it is the second time in a row the Knights exemplar have been wiped out by one attack, before they had done anything. maybe I will stop using them so much.

-The Detahripper then slammed into the devout, knocking Severius down and leaving him open to the Bane Knight that was out of the range of Menoth's Gaze.

-The Bane Knight killed Severious and so my jack heavy army was rendered useless.

I think there are two reasons I lost:

1. I underestimated my opponents. It was only the fourth or fifth time I had faced Cryx
and I didn't know their models well enough to combat them properly.

2. I didn't play Severius defensively enough. I directly used ashes to ashes (he was that close to the front line) rather than channeling it.

What have I learnt?

Severius is an excellent caster and if I had used the arc node I really think I would have won the game. I was slaughtering him and apart from a Seether and some solos, he really didn't have much left, whereas I still had four jacks. maybe even 5 if the Avatar could have survived all those Bane Knights. So I will use Severius again today and use him properly.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Privateer models: Beauty and the Beast

I have to say that part of the reason that I play privateer games is because I was attracted by the look of the Warmachine minis. The Jacks looked awesome to my uninitiated eye back in 2006. The level of quality that is presented by a well finished Warmachine figure is second to none. There are figures that are as good, but there are none (imho) better. Having said all that, they can be a real pain in the arse to put together.

I started playing Warhammer in 1987 and then moved on to 40k and a few other miniature based wargames, but I never really had trouble putting the minis together and I would never have had to pin any of them. Warmachine has really introduced me to a new level of preparation for painting. I now have to pin a lot, which is a skill I only recently (the last few years) had to learn and I also resort to green stuff a lot as well; my mind boggled at how much green stuff I used on my castigator.

The miniature assembly is the only thing that really bugs me about the game. I don't want a drop in the quality of the sculpts, but it is asking a bit much when I have to pin a 28mm miniature in more than one or two places. Now let me present to you Gravus:


If I am lucky I will get away with three pins, but it might be prudent to pin his head as well, so that will be four. I'm sure the shoulder pad and the base don't require pinning, but you can never be too careful.

Well with that rant over I can get back to play testing Mk 2. I have a 50 pt game on Thursday night and I think there may be a spot for me on Friday at one of the local stores.

Monday, 13 April 2009

Mk 2 thoughts and clour schemes

I have read through some of the posts other players have written (on the forums and on blogs) about the Mark 2 rules and am impressed by the level of thought that has gone into a lot of it; I'm not counting the people that are crying because their favourite, broken, MK 1 game killer has been tamed by the nerf bat.

My own experiences were mostly fun games against friends or friends of friends and there was never any upset or über competitiveness. I played a few tournament games, but that was not the norm for me, so my in depth understanding of the intricacies of Mk 1 are not as in depth as much of what I have been reading. The switch to Mk 2 for me has been easy; I had no favourite broken thing (except possibly Vilmon) to mourn.

After saying all that I will present my findings as I find them. I played on Thursday against Cryx and Mike took a bunch of stuff he never used to take, which is a good thing. I will list a few of my thoughts about various units:

I had never seen one fielded before and if it sucked before it doesn't now. It charged my Knights Exemplar unit and killed all of them with thresher. My Castigator took it out, but it was close.

I only bought it a week ago, so I had never used it before and was very happy with the results. The combustion attack with a 2" area attack wiped out almost a whole unit of mechanithralls in one go. When the necromancer chick (don't know her name) brought them back to life in the next turn, the Castigator did it again and this time killed the necromancer.

Still a solid light warjack. Dished up a Thresher and some of the Mechanithralls. I am happy with it and would use it again.

The Choir:
I think I like the way the choir works better now than before. I like the way the power works from each member of the choir rather than from the priest leading them. I think it means that one choir might be enough in future.

The Reclaimer:
Being able to give three focus to one Warjack is more useful than being able to spread them around. The soulstorm is also excellent, but I never got to test it out as i didn't realise he had it until it was too late.

Painting thoughts
How important is a colour scheme across the whole army? I ask because I tire of my blue and red scheme. I dropped the blue on my knights and I dropped the red on Feorra, but overall my army is blue and red. I mention this because I am contemplating painting my Avatar differently.

I managed to finish Vilmon and my Seneschal yeterday and got a lot done on the Reclaimer as well.

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Castigator completed in time to castigate

I finished my Casty this afternoon and am pretty happy with the result, especially since I departed from a technique I have been using for a long time. The difference was that I didn't ink the non metallic colours. I know its not that huge a thing to do differently, but I always (on key miniatures) use ink to provide a level of shade. I still inked the metallics though because they look flat without it and I am not good enough to do NMM.


Here he is from the side view. The only thing I don't like about the job is the pose he is in. The look I was going for was the scrapper throwing caution to the wind and diving into melee, but instead I got something else that could be called where are my keys?

castigator side

I also did a lot more on the base than I normally do and I am happy with it for a first attempt, but I think in future I want my cobbles or flagstones to look more 3D. I think I have to rethink how basing is done. I might dig up a youtube vid of that prolific Canadian (I think he is the Kamloopian or something) model making guy. He has heaps of shows about miniatures and how to do stuff and he does it in real time, which means that while you might have to wade through 45 minutes to see a technique fully exploited, you get to see how it is done.

castigator rear

Last I have a picture of Rez and his Casty. I think Rez looks pretty proud of the little fella all grown up.

Rez and his Casty

Next on the agenda (I have another week off work) is my Exempar Seneschal and my Reclaimer.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

High Executioner Reznik has an offer for you

Here is Reznik after I finished him (I think I posted photos of him then) and then finished him again. I have gone back to the old blue and red colour scheme that I departed from with the exemplars; I replaced the blue with black.

Reznik 1

Here he is from the other side with his Eddie Izzard inspired scroll of doom.

Reznik 2


I am trying out the Mark II rules tomorrow night, so it seems like a good opportunity to get my Casti painted. So here 'he' is with most of his base colours on.


I am thinking of trying a new technique, which actually means, not doing something I normally do. If it works I will be happy to mention it. If it doesn't I will pretend I never didn't do it.

Monday, 6 April 2009


I went back over all my Menoth miniatures and fixed up their bases. For the most part they were just sanded and then painted brown; if they were lucky there may have been a little rock there as well. I decided to add a little bit of dried up looking grass to most of the bases to give them a better look. I am happy with the result.


I also bought the new Green Ronin game: Song of Ice and Fire Role Playing. I mentioned that I already played it using the free dowloadable version a while ago. I am glad I bought the book, because while I won't play the game in its entirety, i will definitely use the mechanics for other games I plan to run.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Spending spree

I bought a whole bunch of Menoth stuff from my LGS yesterday.


I am moving to China in a few months and want to make sure I have stuff to paint. This will keep me busy for a little while at least.

Sunday, 29 March 2009

The ruined fortification

I managed to salvage the terrain feature I was working on, but in the process it came out a lot darker than I had intended.





Kell guarding

I am still messing up my photos. Sometimes light is the issue and sometimes it's the camera settings. These ones are the best of a batch of about 50 or 60 taken at different stages today.

Saturday, 28 March 2009


I finished the ruined section of castle that has been my project for a while and sprayed it with lacquer to keep it safe from greasy nerd fingers. Unfortunately the laquer has dried leavuing lots of white spots and has ruined the look that I was quite happy with. I have seen this before, but the lacqeur I've been using lately has never done this before. I wonder why it happened this time. In the back of my mind I think maybe I did'nt shake it enough before spraying. Anyway, here is a pic of one of the problem areas.


I also botched the lighting and focus on the photo. Normally I get at least one of them right.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Walking through syrup

Things have stayed slow. For many reasons I am not finding the time to work on game stuff. Last night though I managed to pull out the ruined castle and sand it down, so hopefully tonight I can paint it and maybe give it some detail tomorrow.

The title of the post is also a great song.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

10 year olds wargaming

Here are a couple of pics of my fourth graders playing an entry level war game.

Wargaming for 10 year olds


Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Mini wargamers

I edited the mistake that made the whole thing not make any sense.

I introduced the wargame to my ten year olds yesterday. It really wasn't meant to be an out and out wargame, it was meant to lead them to an insight into why weapons developed so much over time. They were supposed to be hunting animals and taking them back to their camp to become food. I told them that the group with the most food in its camp at the end of the game would win.

I split the class into 4 teams of 6, each with its own colour. Three of the teams were mixed, with one or two boys and the rest girls. The red team however was all boys. On their first turn, one of the red boys asked me if they could kill people as well as animals. I told him they could if they wanted to, but I pointed out that the blue team (the closest to them) was a long way away.

The red boys discussed their strategy and decided that because their was a finite number of animals to hunt, they couldn't have the blue team hunting them all, so they headed toward them and attempted to exterminate them. They almost succeeded too. They managed to get 4 out of the 6 and they almost got one of the remaining ones as they fled away to their camp.

The blue team were not exactly happy about the way the game went and I think the red team were disappointed because time ran out, which meant that the green team won; they deserved it because they had cooperated from the word go.

The kids want to play it again and I am thinking of letting them do it on Friday. They have made lots of suggestions; better weapons being the most common idea. One of the kids (a member of red team) wants nukes to be introduced. Bloodthirsty little buggers.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Mostly rpg

I had a great game with the guys on Saturday night. They were following a rumour of a wizard in the North to see if he was an escapee of the House of Rose. They did some gathering of information in seedy dock side bars and met a man that dealt in secrets. The man told them about a wizard living in a town called Lothair, a few days North of them. He also gave them a contact name in the town of a guy who knows more. So while there was little action there was plenty of role playing and investigation. I really enjoyed it.

My high school students were totally freaked out by yesterdays session of our fantasy game. I decided to base their latest escapade on a survival horror model. They have not played any horror, but they have watched enough movies and played enough computer games to get the genre.

I haven't done much painting lately. I am however building a small ruined fortification. I am about half way through it and look forward to putting it on the battlefield.

I have also accidentally designed a war game for my 4th grade class to play next week. Should be amusing.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Working for Morvery

I finally have my fantasy rpg happening. The lads are coming over on Saturday night for the first installment (of what I hope to be more than just a couple) of "As yet unnamed fantasy game". The game takes place in the fantasy world I have been setting games in since the release of 3rd ed D&D. This will be the fifth group to play in the world (fifth only by a short margin; my students are playing in now too) that I have got so much information on.

The players have taken the role of trouble shooters working for the House of Thorn (A college of wizards with the emperor's ear), on the hunt for remnants of the recently destroyed House of Rose (the old main rival of the House of Thorn). I am thinking there will be a fair bit of political intrigue as they cross the land trying to wheedle out those of the Rose who have gone to ground in the wild lands or set themselves up in the cities and towns of the Dale Lands.

I am using the free download of Song of Ice and Fire, which I have heavily modified. One of the main mods was adding a magic system, as there seem to be no wizards in the original material. I am particularly happy with my magical incantations* and am including the one that I think is the coolest:

Fog of Seletz
On a successful routine incantation roll the weaver conjures a large fog that seeps up out of the ground and condenses out of the air to obscure an area a kilometer square over the course of a minute. The fog reduces sight range to five meters, is five meters deep and lasts for one hour.
Additional successes may be used to:
The fog does not obscure the vision of the weaver. In fact the weaver’s awareness rolls have a bonus dice as the movements of the fog alert him to the goings on therein.

*For some reason I am not using the word spells.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Have at you!

I have finished the Knights Exemplar. I am happy with the simple scheme I have achieved; happier than I was with my finished Kreoss.

Knights Exemplar

Now that I look at them I think I might do a few more bits of detail on them.

Friday, 27 February 2009

Do you have a flag?

I decided to go against my better judgment and put the flags on the back of the Seneschal. The steps required to do so were many and complicated, but the main points were:

1. Drill (1mm drill bit) into the shoulder blades of the model.
2. Cut the pewter tabs off the base of the flags.
3. Incise a cross into the place where the tabs have been removed.
4. Drill carefully into base of the flag.
5. Lose patience with the amount of time the careful drilling is taking.
6. Push hard on the drill.
7. Drill through the miniature and into the thumb holding it.
8. Resolve to go back to clamping pieces before you drill.

Here is the culprit
Exemplar Seneschal

Here is the innocent victim
Drilled Thumb

No flag no country!

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Kreoss in Red and Blue

High Exemplar Kreoss is done and here* are the photos:

Kreoss Front

Kreoss Back

*Is it redundant to say here they are when you can already see them as you read the sentence?

No flags for the Seneshal

I have assembled my Exemplar Seneshal after having bought his in April last year, but I haven't completely assembled him because I am toying with the idea of leaving off the giant annoying flags. I think they would look great, but I know they will be a fiddle pain in the arse and will definitely require pinning.

I have now varnished Kreoss and in the morning I will take a picture of him and post it here. The exemplars are also just about finished and will probably star in a photo of their own. Maybe they will get together and have one taken witrh Kreos; he is their boss afterall.

Good night.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

The solution is flames

I started playing Warmachine in April 2006 (or thereabout) and my faction was Menoth. I played Menoth until June last year when a guy on the periphery of our group decided to sell his Trollbloods. He wanted 150€ for 394€ (I priced it all at my LGS) worth of stuff. It was a whole army ready to go. Since then I haven't played Menoth at all; I even stopped painting them to focus on the mass of cheap tin that I had just acquired.

Yesterday I noticed my Knights Exemplar and thought to myself,
if I just spent a few hours on them, they'd be finished.

So I picked them up and started painting them. After a little while I noticed that there were only five of them, so I went looking for the missing guy. When I finally found him, I noticed Kreoss and Reznik and thought,
if I just spent a few hours on them, they'd be finished.
So I added them to the painting queue.

So I spent a few hours yesterday and today painting away and I have just about finished the knights and Kreos. During this time, Martin decided to challenge me to another game and because I have painting enthusiasm for the old religious nutters, it expanded and transformed into gaming enthusiasm. So next week I am rolling out the incinerators and uncorkin' the napalm for an old timey Skorne roastin'.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Borka vs. Makeda

Skorne List

Makeda (m)

Titan Gladiator (T)

Cyclops Savage (C)

Basilisk Drake (B)


Cataphract Acuraii (A)

Ancestral Guardian

Trollbloods List

Borka Kegslayer (B)

Dire troll Mauler (D)

Winter Troll (W)

Longriders (L)

Fell caller (F)

Gudrun the Wanderer (G)


Martin and I played a 500 pt game to break in his new Skorne miniatures. We rolled up the Domination scenario and the following map shows the basic terrain. The Khaki coloured blobs are hills and the dark green are forest.

Domination is about controlling the 9 areas of the board represented with a cross.


Set up

We rolled to set up and I was first. I tend to play pretty aggressively, so a tight bunch in the middle (designed to punch though the opposition) is a common formation for me. The map shows my Trolls as the blue circles, with the code letters referring to the letters by the names of the army lists at the top of this post.

Martin was hampered by a forest (he put it there) in his deployment zone, so he was spread right across the board. His are the red circles at the top of the map.

field 2

Opening moves

The map represents the first round and a half. It is mostly accurate, but a few things may be not in exactly the right place as my memory was hazy on some details. My force streamed across the board (claiming the middle ground) in my first turn, while Martin moved forward only a little and got his troops into better positions. My 2nd turn was based around unleashing my cavalry. I cast Bum Rush (A spell from Borka) and Freezer (an animus from my Winter troll) on them and then the Fell caller sang War Cry and off the Longriders (Cavalry) went.

The Longriders smashed into the Venators and carved them up. I killed half the unit with the charge which was probably to be expected, but I have never really had my cavalry do much before, so I was very pleased.

field 3

Mid Game

Martin responded well and there was a point where I thought he was going to tear me to pieces. His Titan and Cyclops and the Acuraii all charged the Longriders and by the end there was only one Longrider left.

Gudrun attacked the ancestral guardian that was accompanying the Acuraii and he was able to destroy it with one hit. From here the game got pretty messy before the end.

field 4

End game

Martin’s Titan came running in and smashed my Winter troll quite badly. Luckily my Dire Troll was able to see it and charged. Unfortunately it only hit once and did hardly any damage. It was at this point that the game was in the balance. It all hinged on the Titan. If I could get rid of it I could dictate how the rest of the game went. After much protracted struggling I was able to kill of the Cyclops and then possess it with the Feralgeist. As the Titan focused on the Dire Troll and killed it, the Winter Troll, Borka and the Cyclops went in and managed to kill the killer.

Marin was in a hard position now, but true to his Menoth roots he made a ballsy move. I had accidentally left a charge lane from Makeda to Borka. Makeda came screaming in and with flashing blades almost succeeded in killing Borka. Almost. In my turn all of my monsters focused on trying to see who could eat Makeda first. The Winter troll won. With Makeda dead Martin conceded.

field 5

It was a fun game and a good first go at Skorne for Martin. I look forward to playing him again.

Now it looks like I am teaching a potential new player tomorrow night. I’m interested to see how that turns out.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Cygnar smashed

Tom was visiting Martin from England last week and so he came along to the monthly war games night and as it happened he was drawn to play me. As it was only his sixth or seventh game I intended to be a bit instructional as we went along, but I think his background in other war games made him a little too untrusting to really listen.

I made a strong list based around Champions, the Stone Scribe and Madrak Ironhide. I am unfamiliar with Cygnar stuff but Tom had halberd guys, sword guys, Trenchers and four Jacks. I tried to give some advice, but he politely refused to heed my warnings about a few things and so I was able to beat him.

Tom didn't play poorly though and used his feat at the right time. I think the only thing he didn't do was prioritize threats appropriately. He focussed on the Totem Hunter (and eventually killed it) when he should have thrown his light Jacks in against the Champions. He also got really worried about the Longriders when he should have been focussed on the Trolls attacking the hill. I got the Champions into a great spot on the hill and with a Dire Troll and an Axer in Support I was able to throw him off and hold (the hill was the objective) the hill for the victory.

We both enjoyed the game and chatted for a while afterwards, which is a good indicator that no one felt miffed.

I am now looking forward to playing Martin this week. He has a bunch of new Menoth stuff that I haven't faced yet and I am interested to see what it can do.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Completed Winter troll

I Started highlighting in white and realised I liked the idea of white being more than a highlight, so I kept going. I am happy with the final product and he is ready in time for the game tonight.

Winter Troll 5.1
I'm not sure about the base though.

Winter Troll 5.3
I am thinking of maybe some snow on the base.