Sunday, 14 June 2009

Vallejo paint issues

The first problem is that within a few months the name of the paint has rubbed off, so when referring to old painting notes I sometimes got stuck remembering which is which. I have remedied this by writing the name on the side of the bottle in marker.

The second and far more annoying problem is when the paint nib comes off inside the lid when you are opening it. In the picture the nib is off, but next to the lid.


Normally I notice when this happens, but a few times i have missed it and instead of squirting out a little blob of paint, I pour out a river. My latest misfortune was with my Dark Fleshtone. I poured out about a quarter of the bottle. What a waste.


I'm sure if i used other paints I would be able to compare problems. I remember how crap citadel paint used to be because of the lids gumming up. However at this point I only use Vallejo paint and overall I like it.

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