Wednesday, 21 January 2009

In the driver's seat

One of the tenth graders in the school gaming club has designed a role playing game for his personal project. I mentored him during the process and I must say that despite my initial concerns, he has done a great job. As the final part of the game design and before he writes his final paper on the process, we are testing the game for him.

Today was Flo's first day as Game Master and he did a pretty good job. I completely let go of the controls and played a character along side the other students. The game itself was fairly standard, but its simplicity allowed us to engage with it quickly and get fully involved with the plot. My character is a crazy old man, based on my favourite card from 'magic the gathering' and I quite enjoyed playing silly buggers with the kids, instead of sitting at the helm and trying to direct them.


Ray Guimond said...

good to see you posting again. I look forward to seeing how your trolls turn out.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome idea! I am a teacher too, and I think it would be great to be able to do this sort of thing with students.