Tuesday, 24 February 2009

The solution is flames

I started playing Warmachine in April 2006 (or thereabout) and my faction was Menoth. I played Menoth until June last year when a guy on the periphery of our group decided to sell his Trollbloods. He wanted 150€ for 394€ (I priced it all at my LGS) worth of stuff. It was a whole army ready to go. Since then I haven't played Menoth at all; I even stopped painting them to focus on the mass of cheap tin that I had just acquired.

Yesterday I noticed my Knights Exemplar and thought to myself,
if I just spent a few hours on them, they'd be finished.

So I picked them up and started painting them. After a little while I noticed that there were only five of them, so I went looking for the missing guy. When I finally found him, I noticed Kreoss and Reznik and thought,
if I just spent a few hours on them, they'd be finished.
So I added them to the painting queue.

So I spent a few hours yesterday and today painting away and I have just about finished the knights and Kreos. During this time, Martin decided to challenge me to another game and because I have painting enthusiasm for the old religious nutters, it expanded and transformed into gaming enthusiasm. So next week I am rolling out the incinerators and uncorkin' the napalm for an old timey Skorne roastin'.


Anonymous said...

Pictures dammit! You can't just tempt us with your devil words!

Bloomfield Cricket Club said...

lol nice - Menoth always draws you back in doesnt it :)

Skirza said...

I will take the pics when I have spray varnished them. Might be a while yet.