Sunday, 12 October 2008

Super hero mansion

Without leaving the confines of our not so secret headquarters, we managed to play a whole session of Mutants and Masterminds (last night) and just develop our characters. At first I felt like we hadn't accomplished anything, but upon reflection and some sleep, I think we may have helped solidify our character's relationships with one another.

The big surprise was my secret coming out. The other characters discovered that I am actually a robot and not a person piloting a robotic suit. My other big secret (where my consciousness comes from) is probably going to be exposed in the next session. Oh what fun.


Anonymous said...

I love the character games. One of the most memorable games I've played involved the party having to be on their best behavior at a ball thrown by the towns nobles.

Playing a character with little social niceties, while avoiding the stereotypical 'I kill the tea lady and wear her arm on the front of my armour' kind of behaviour was also fun.

Sounds like your M&M game is going along great guns. Good stuff!

Skirza said...

I remember the arm on the front of the armour. Was that Dragon that did that?

Derek Handley said...

I've gotten some very interesting feedback from the others too. It seems that session was a memorable one. Wipeout and Caliber have bonded with Wipeout having saved Caliber's brother's life, but both are questioning whether they can really call themselves heroes given what they now find themselves involved in.

Anonymous said...

Nah, it was Jason during the mecha game.. I can't remember the name of it.

The one where Chris went mad and decided to destroy the ship we were on as the rest of the part were sociopaths.

Fair call too, in retrospect.

Skirza said...

than0s that was Heavy Gear. It was the first inklings I remember of Chris going off the rails as a gamer and wanting to do something different.

derek, I am not questioning whether we are heroes. I also find it interesting that the person who kidnapped a woman infront of her son and mother and then bound and gaged her in the boot of a car, is wondering if we are heroes.